
I decided to try this one on watercolor paper, with a watercolor under painting ​that I would then go back in and draw on top of...


And then I went over it with pastels....



Not super satisfied with it... The colors are all too similar and I don't really like the cold-press watercolor paper. So I decided to start over completely, on gessoed paper this time:

I started over, didn't like the colors again, so I wiped it all down and bought some new (nu!)  pastels to try to solve this problem.


And it's "done". STILL not happy with it. Something about the colors and value structure is just not clicking on this one. 

I'm abandoning it.

I now have two drawings of the same subject, neither of which quite hits the spot. Time to move on to new endeavors. I love the subject, I'm just not executing it  to my satisfaction. Maybe I will try again later on... we'll see!